You can find Trinity ISE I materials on Breakout English to prepare for the B1 exam. At B1 level, Trinity ISE I challenges candidates to prove their ability in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. While the exam needs preparation, the format is forgiving and is a popular choice for learners of English who are worried about their ability to reproduce their level in a written exam.
B1 fixed phrases, dependent prepositions and collocations
Dead Famous – Past Simple Game
Make and Do – Collocations
Writing an Article – Rhetorical Questions
First day get to know you questions
Liar, liar! – present perfect / past simple game
120 ISE I Conversation Questions
Expressing Preferences – Would you rather…
ISE I – Health and Fitness – The Mediterranean Diet
What is the Trinity ISE Exam? – Get to know the exam
ISE I Conversation Task Pair Work
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How to prepare for Trinity ISE I
Preparing for Trinity ISE I is all about knowing the exam. There are some unique elements to the exam which you can’t expect to understand without having looked ta them first.
Timing and langaue are probably the least of your worries for this exam. However, the tasks of Reading into Writing, the Topic task and the Independent Listening will all test your ability to reproduce English in scenarios which are as close to real life as possible.
Here are some things you can do to prepare for the exam:
- Divide and conquer – The ISE I exam is taken in two sections, Reading/Writing and Speaking/Listening. You do each of these exams on a different day and it can help to think of them as two separate exams. In fact, if you pass one and fail the other, you can repeat just that section without having to repeat everything.
- Prepare your topic – The Topic task in the Speaking part of the exam can and should be prepared ahead of time. You can talk about almost anything you want, just make sure to include elements that bring in B1 level functional language and grammar (e.g. talking about the past or making comparisons).
- Learn vocabulary for the ISE I topics – Trinity limits the topics for each level, so make sure you’ve learnt vocabulary for topics like money and travel, which can come up anywhere in the exam.
- Practise writing – Unlike the Cambridge B1, Trinity asks ISE I candidates to be ready for a variety of task types in the Writing paper, including essays, articles, letters/emails and reviews.
- Read in English – Websites like Simple English Wikipedia and News In Levels have articles that are adapted to be easier to read. These are the types of things that can come up later in the Reading and/or Listening papers.
- Take a class – If you can find a class that specialises in Trinity ISE I preparation, you’ll have a teacher/mentor who will help you prepare for all the little details of the exam.
Enjoy the Trinity ISE I materials!
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