Quality Exam Preparation
Materials and training for B1 Preliminary, B2 First and C1 Advanced Cambridge exams
Preparation materials for the Trinity College London ISE I, ISE II and ISE III exams
Tips and practice for the IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training exams
Articles about teaching English as a foreign language and exam preparation
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Welcome to Breakout English
Breakout English is a place for materials for Cambridge, Trinity and IELTS exams. English teachers and learners will find everything they need to prepare for exams right here.

Recent and Top Posts
B2 First (FCE) Writing Part 2 – Using Anecdotes in Articles
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Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) Writing
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230 Advanced (CAE) Key Word Transformations C1
About Breakout English

Breakout English is your place on the internet for materials to prepare for Cambridge English exams, Trinity ISE exams and IELTS.
Exam materials on the website are available for the following exams:
- Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) – The Cambridge B1 PET exam is an intermediate level test which is popular around the world for demonstrating an essential level of English for many schools, universities and institutions.
- Cambridge B2 First (FCE) – The Cambridge FCE exam is where Cambridge English exams start to get really challenging at B2 level. It proves you have the level to operate and function in all every day scenarios and manage efficiently in more complex oes.
- Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) – The Cambridge CAE exam is a high-level C1 qualification. Many people need it to prove their level in order to study at an English-speaking university or work in an English-speaking company. It shows you are able to work or study in English without complications.
- Trinity ISE exams – Trinity exams, such as Trinity ISE II at B2 level, have become more popular in recent years. Many universities and institutions accept them as proof of your English level. They are working hard to build trust and become competitive in many international markets.
- IELTS – The IELTS exam is an international qualification that is highly valued around the world. Unlike the other exams on the website, it isn’t level based. Instead, you receive a band score, which is linked to a CEFR level, based on your performance in the exam. Many UK-based universities require a specific band score in the IELTS exam before you can study there. It is also commonly used for immigration purposes.
A message from the founder of Breakout English, John Hayward.
Hi reader!
Thanks for using Breakout English. Working on this website has been a rewarding process and I’m glad that you are part of it. I hope you have found the materials and advice useful for your exams or preparing your students!
Breakout English originally came from a desire to reach a wider audience. I’ve been teaching English in Spain since 2010 and teaching exam English for almost the same length of time. As I’m sure many of you have found, preparing for exams can be a huge challenge at first, but with time you learn the differences between exam English and regular English. You have to balance language and focus on the exam at the same time. But don’t let exams get you down, they can be very rewarding if done right. In fact, I’ve found exams can often push struggling language learners to improve more than they would in a general course.
As my teaching career progressed, I found myself focussing more and more on exams. I did the Cambridge DELTA with a specialism in teaching exam classes and generally got saturated with anything and everything to do with exam preparation. My experience went from teaching Cambridge exam classes to training students for Trinity ISE exams and working with learners preparing for the IELTS exam. I’ve used every exam course book under the sun, but some are better than others and almost all need some supplementing. When I went online to look for extra tasks for my classes, there was a real lack of quality materials that were up-to-date and didn’t drive my students or myself into a pit of despair. That’s when I started to create my own materials for both teachers and students to make the most of their exam preparation.
Enjoy the website and enjoy the materials!
At Breakout English you can find a wealth of free materials to help you prepare for Cambridge, Trinity or IELTS exams, but if you’re looking for something a little more in-depth, try one of our premium materials. Passing an English exam is no easy feat, but we’re here to help you. If you don’t see something that fits your needs, let us know and we’ll see what we can do!
The proceeds from premium materials are what makes us able to continue producing quality free and paid materials. Thank you for your support!
Creating quality materials is the cornerstone of Breakout English. We only develop content which we truly feel will be beneficial for learners preparing for Cambridge, Trinity and IELTS exams. Our writers and collaborators are all experienced teachers who have spent years preparing students to take official exams.
With Breakout English, you’re in good hands. Contact us to let us know what you think. Your feedback is vital to our continued development.