For Cambridge B1 candidates as of January 2020, Preliminary PET Writing Part 1 is always a letter. The candidate is provided a short letter which includes questions and prompts that the candidate must include in their answer. Sometimes the challenge of Preliminary Writing Part 1 isn’t writing a letter in the correct style or in the limited time. The challenge is to produce a letter that includes high-quality language, linking and communicates the writer’s ideas effectively. Without these elements, it’s difficult to score in the higher bands on the B1 Cambridge Writing Scales.

Letters are a good writing because the prompt indicates exactly what you need to include in your answer. However, the problem with letters is that it can be a challenge to show off your level of English. I find many of my students at B1 level don’t push themselves to use complex language. We may have just come out of a week long slog through relative clauses or conditionals, but then their letter comes back to me written entirely in the present simple.
I found this to be especially true of younger students who were going to take the Preliminary For Schools exam and this activity was designed with the For Schools version of the exam in mind. For that reason, it uses the topics of school and free time. Despite this, I think it could still be a practical activity for adult students. You could even challenge them to use the past tense and recall their school days!
The Materials
With this activity, get your students to improve a letter use all of the language available to them. Insist on accuracy of basic language and push them to use complex language that will impress at B1 level.
EXAM PART: Preliminary PET Writing Part 1 – Letter
EXAM SKILLS: Using a range of language in writing
TOPIC: free time, school
TIME: 45 minutes
PREPARATION: One copy of the worksheet per student