Describing a picture is an element across all Cambridge exams because it’s something we do so much in everyday life (is it?). Whatever their reasons are for having such a deeply rooted love affair with describing pictures, there is no doubt that it is a skill that you will have to learn if you wish to do well in a Cambridge speaking exam.
Also, let’s be fair, it can be a pretty good way of testing your ability to organise your speech and prove yourself in the only truly individual part of the exam. At B1 Preliminary (PET) level, describing a picture comes up in Part 2 of the speaking exam. Candidates have approximately 1 minute to talk about anything and everything they can see in the picture.
Unlike higher levels, there are no questions or prompts to help you along the way. This can be a good thing because Cambridge has a knack for odd questions, but it can also strike fear into the heart of budding exam candidates who have never faced this type of challenge before.

What type of picture will be used?
Even though the pictures are different every time, there is a common theme in PET Speaking Part 2; the pictures are always of a person or group of people doing something. There will also always be a scene to describe with a variety of objects in the foreground and background. All of this helps to have lots of content for describing.
Take a look at the two pictures below. Both are on the same topic of food and cooking. However, the one on the left would never appear in a Cambridge exam because it’s too simple and doesn’t include a scene or people to describe. However, the one on the right has multiple elements that will keep your description going for the 1 minute time limit.

How can I prepare for this part of the exam?
Preparation for describing a picture comes in two ways. First, you should be confident with the grammar needed. You’ll need present simple, present continuous, there is/are, countable/uncountable nouns and quantifiers (some, a lot of etc). Second, you will need to structure your answer well. A good structure can make the difference between success or disaster.
Practise describing some pictures first by writing down your description. Use our plan below for some ideas and then try one without the plan. After you have written it out, say it out loud, time yourself and see if it lasts a minute. Then repeat a few times. Finally, take away your written description and repeat again. Can you stick to the plan?
The Materials
With this Speaking Part 2 plan, you and your students will have everything they need to fill a minute of describing a picture. The plan is set up to encourage students to use a variety of grammar and vocabulary. Included in the task, there is one picture for them to plan out. For more pictures, check our pictures to describe for Preliminary (PET) Part 2 post.
I’d recommend starting with this one and then using more pictures with less support. If you’re using them in class, I like to slowly remove the reliance on the written plan by having them turn it over on their desks after practising a couple of times.
We also have 5 complete Preliminary (PET) Speaking exams as part of Breakout English’s premium materials collection.
EXAM PART: Speaking
EXAM SKILLS: Discourse management, describing a picture, using a range of language appropriate for the level (B1)
TIME: 15 minutes + extra practice
PREPARATION: One copy of the worksheet per student, extra pictures

Wonderful worksheet. It’s been quite helpful for my students!
Fantastic! So glad it was helpful 🙂