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Gerunds and Infinitives – ISE II Conversation Questions

Gerunds and infinitives are one of those language points that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love them because there are lots of activities you can do with them and students always get a lot out of practising them. I hate them because there are so many verb patterns to remember that it can easily overwhelm students and become a rote memorization task.

Gerunds and Infinitives

How often have you taught gerunds and infinitives and then the next day had a student make a mistake with the same language? Verb patterns like these often fall under a grammar heading, but I’ve always felt the mental process to master them is more similar to vocabulary. For example, when you learn a new word they say you need to use it multiple times before it becomes part of your vocabulary.

Then there is the issue of getting it to be part of your active vocabulary. I feel that is the same for gerunds and infinitives. You need to provide ways for students to see the verb patterns again and again until they are able to reproduce them.

Check here for more ISE II speaking materials.

The Materials

This task takes gerunds and infinitives and makes them part of ISE II Conversation Task questions. Students test their knowledge of the verb patterns before checking their own answers. After that, get them to chat about the questions either with the exam’s 2 minute time limit or not, but insist on them using the verbs in their answers also. Switch the papers around and have them practise different topics. As an extension, you could have your students use the verb list to create their own questions.

EXAM PART: Conversation Task

EXAM SKILLS: Maintaining a conversation, using a range of language appropriate for the level (B2)

TOPIC: Society and Living Standards, Personal Values and Ideals, National Environmental Concerns, Public Figures, Past and Present, The World of Work

TIME: 20-40 minutes depending on how much you switch questions

PREPARATION: One copy of the worksheet cut up per 5 students


ISE II – Gerund and Infinitive Conversation Questions
ISE II – Gerund and Infinitive Conversation Questions
Gerunds and Infinitives Verb List
Gerunds and Infinitives Verb List
breakout english ise ii
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