Advanced (CAE) word formation gets to be quite tricky. You might occasionally get an easy word, but you’ll also get multiple changes and uncommon vocabulary thrown at you.
You can do lessons on negative prefixes, lessons on uncommon suffixes and many other Advanced (CAE) word formation strategies. However, the fact remains that one of the best ways to improve this part of the exam is to go over possible word forms again and again until they start to pop up in your student’s active memories. Be careful though. This can become boring pretty fast if not done right. So, let’s make it fun by converting that repetition into a board game. Everyone loves rolling dice!
Check here for lots more word formation games.
The Materials

This Advanced (CAE) word formation board game includes words that are commonly seen in the Cambridge Advanced exam. Use the Breakout English version to test your students’ ability to remember the most common word formation words, or make your own board game and challenge your students to remember the really tough ones.
EXAM PART: Use of English
EXAM SKILLS: Word formation
TIME: 30 minutes
PREPARATION: One copy of the board for each group of 3-4 students. Dice. Counters. System to keep track of points.