C1 Combo Pack
All the best materials from Breakout English at C1 level at a discounted bundle price
If you are preparing for your Cambridge C1 Advanced exam, you’ll need to do a lot of practice. We know how hard it can be to pass the Use of English section. We also know that the Writing is one area where you can really prove yourself and that the Speaking can be scary, so you need to know what to expect. That’s why we’ve bundled all our Cambridge C1 materials into this combo pack. Now you can get all the C1 Advanced material available from Breakout English at a lower price than buying each item separately.
The C1 Combo Pack includes:
- 12 Use of English Tests
- 230 Key Word Transformations
- Advanced Writing Plus
- 5 Speaking Tests
All the books include answer keys for self-study or can be photocopied to use in the classroom.

Digital Download - €29.95
The Cambridge C1 Advanced exam - A true challenge
Everyone struggles with Use of English until it becomes second nature. The difficulty is that you can study the grammar and vocabulary for years, but you’ll never know what you will end up seeing in the exam. However, if you look at the exams repeatedly, you will see patterns. There are language areas that Cambridge favours. That’s what we aim to target in 230 Key Word Transformations, which is broken down into 23 sections based on C1 level language.
On top of that, you simply need practice. That’s where 12 Use of English Tests comes in. This book will get you more Use of English practice than you’ll see in most coursebooks or websites. Use of English is Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the Reading and Use of English paper, but we’ve included Part 1 here also, for extra practice.
Unlike the Use of English, the Writing tends to scare people less. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can be a disaster. Conversely, if you have a clear idea of all the writing types, this part of the exam can award you points that you might lose elsewhere. Remember, each part of the exam compensates the others, so a high scoring Writing can boost an otherwise failing result.
Advanced Writing Plus takes care to develop your language and skills when writing essays, formal and informal letters/emails, reports, reviews and proposals. It’s packed with model answers and tips from experts. After completing this guide, there’s no writing that you won’t be able to handle.
Maybe you’ve been preparing for the exam alone. Maybe you’re in a large class or one which prioritises other skills. But the Speaking paper is equally important if you want to pass the C1 exam. Many people feel unprepared when they enter the examination room. Sitting there with two trained examiners and your partner when you aren’t ready is a horrible feeling. So let’s not let that happen.
If you need good, realistic speaking exams, look no further than our 5 Speaking Tests. This short, but complete manual has the examiner’s scripts exactly as they are in the real exam. It also has carefully researched images that closely resemble Cambridge style artwork. There’s no need to be frightened of the Speaking test if you know exactly what is coming.