12 Use of English Tests
The Cambridge Advanced C1 Use of English can either be your worst enemy or your best friend
Do you need to do well on the Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) exam and enhance your English language skills? Or perhaps you’re a teacher trying to find a thorough resource that can help your pupils succeed? 12 C1 Use of English Tests is an ideal tool for both educators and students.
Twelve CAE practice exams covering Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam are included in this book. You will be completely ready to take on even the most difficult problems on the C1 Advanced exam by modelling the actual exam structure. Word formation, open cloze, multiple choice cloze, and key word transformations are all included.
Key features include:
- How to guide for Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the C1 Use of English
- 12 full Use of English tests*
- Answer key
*The C1 Use of English is evaluated using Parts 2, 3 and 4. Although Part 1 is technically a reading task, it has been included here due to it’s similarity to the other tasks.

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Combo deals containing 230 Key Word Transformations

C1 Combo Pack
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C1 Use of English tests: The practice you need
People taking the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam sometimes live in fear of the Use of English section. After all, it’s worth 20% of your final mark and only has 22 questions (28 points)! That means each question is worth more than any other part of the exam. On top of that, the grammar and vocabulary you might encounter is practically limitless. The only thing you can really guarantee is that it’s not going to be easy.
With 12 Use of English Tests, you can get all the practice you need for this gruelling test. Use it as a way to experience almost anything that Cambridge can throw at you, from phrasal verbs to inverted conditionals. Come out the other end ready to take on the real thing.
You need to do the C1 Use of English over and over again before you go and take it. Wouldn’t you rather do it too many times now than have to take the exam itself too many times? The most frequently failed section of the C1 Advanced exam is the Use of English. You might be able to balance that out with a strong Reading, Writing, Listening or Speaking, but let’s try at pass all the sections if we can.
So, get to work and start practising. Do one today, two tomorrow and three the next day. Take a break, come back and do four more. After completing 12 Use of English Tests, you’ll have got more practice for this section than any course book or practice exams book will get you.
You might not like it, but in the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam, the use of English section is here to stay. In many ways, it’s the best test of a candidate’s level because there is nothing to hide behind. The other sections of the exam all test different skills, while Use of English hones in on the systems of language that learners find so challenging. This is what makes Cambridge exams stand out from the rest.
With 12 Use of English Tests, you’ll have a head start over everyone else on exam day. Sure, the questions probably won’t be the same as the ones you get in the final exam, but they will certainly be similar. And at least you won’t be shaking in your boots about what to expect.