There are 12 possible topics for ISE III conversation questions:
- Ambitions
- Independence
- Stereotypes
- Role models
- Competitiveness
- Young people’s rights
- The media
- Advertising
- Lifestyles
- The arts
- The rights of the individual
- Economic issues
As you can see, the topics at this level start to get quite complex and abstract. This is part of the challenge of speaking at at C1 level for the ISE III conversation task. There are also a lot more possible topics than at lower levels, so you have to be prepared to speak about a lot of different concepts.
With 10 questions for each topic, we have created 120 ISE III conversation questions. Some of these will be nice and easy to answer, while some of them will raise controversial points which the examiner will expect you to discuss. Whatever the examiner asks during the conversation task, they will normally extend the topic into more complex areas, asking the candidate to speculate, show agreement/disagreement and support their opinions.
The other change at C1 level is that the ISE III conversation task lasts for 3 minutes, just slightly longer than lower levels. Remember, it still needs to be a conversation and not a monologue, so don’t spend the whole 3 minutes answering a question without letting the examiner get a word in edgewise.
Download a pdf version of 120 ISE III conversation questions:
120 ISE III Conversation Questions
- What did you want to do when you were a child? Did you do it? Why / Why not?
- Do you consider yourself to be an ambitious person?
- Is it a good thing to be ambitious at work?
- How do you see yourself professionally 5 years from now?
- What are your personal ambitions?
- Is having a family important to you?
- What is your dream job? Do you think you will ever do this job?
- How is learning English important for you to achieve your goals?
- Many people focus on material wealth. Are these things important for you?
- How do our ambitions change as we grow older?
- At what age do young people normally gain their independence in your country?
- What do you think it takes to be financially independent?
- Is it possible for a young person to be independent while still living with their parents?
- Did/Do your parents encourage you to be independent?
- How old are people in your country when they get their first job?
- Some people say independence is a sign of maturity. What do you think?
- How can we teach children about independence?
- Youth unemployment is high nowadays and prevents young people from becoming independent. What can be done about this?
- Do you believe people should get married before they move in with their partner?
- How have family values in your country developed in the last 50 years?
- What are the typical stereotypes of your country abroad? Are they true?
- Are stereotypes always negative? Why / Why not?
- To what extent should we believe stereotypes of other countries?
- Does your town, city or region have any stereotypes inside your country? Are they true?
- Are stereotypes and prejudices the same thing?
- How do TV and films affect stereotypes?
- How do people in your country view the elderly?
- What is the current opinion regarding immigration in your country?
- How have stereotypes been significant in the history of your country?
- What national stereotype do you think that you personally live up to?
Role models
- Who in your family did you look up to when you were a child?
- Did you have any celebrity role models when you were younger?
- What historical figure from your country is a good role model?
- Which are a more important role model for young children: parents or teachers?
- For many people, their best friend is a role model. Is this true for you?
- Children idolising sportspeople is a problem nowadays. Do you agree?
- What characteristics make a negative role model?
- Do you look up to anybody professionally?
- In your opinion, should public figures in your country be admired?
- Would you make a good role model for the younger generation?
- Are you a competitive person?
- Is being competitive in sports a good thing or a bad thing?
- Is it good to be competitive professionally? Why / Why not?
- Who is the most competitive person you know?
- Should we teach children to be competitive?
- Competition can be motivating for people when learning new things. Do you agree?
- International events like the Olympic Games promote competition between countries. Do you think this is a good thing?
- What happens when competitiveness goes too far?
- How important is it to be a good loser?
- Tell me about a time when you felt very competitive. Why did you feel this way?
Young people’s rights
- At what age is an individual considered an adult in your country?
- Should people under the age of 18 be allowed to vote in elections?
- What is the drinking age in your country? Do you agree with this age? Why /Why not?
- If a young person wants to live without their parents, should they be allowed to?
- How much control should a young person have over their education?
- At what age should we start letting young people make their own choices?
- Some countries have curfews for young people at night. Do you agree with this?
- Should teenagers who commit crime be punished in the same way as adults?
- At what age do you think it is appropriate for young people to start working?
- Do/Did you feel that your freedom was restricted when you were a teenager?
The media
- What is your preferred method of getting the news: newspapers, radio or TV?
- Is it important to stay up-to-date with current events?
- Do you prefer local news, national news or international news?
- Do you agree with everything you see on the news?
- News has become very political in recent years. What do you think about this?
- What is your opinion about getting your news from social media?
- Should the media respect the privacy of famous people?
- What types of stories does the media in your country focus on?
- How can we avoid being influenced by news that isn’t accurate?
- Do you think newspapers are dying out due to the popularity of internet news?
- Advertisement is everywhere nowadays. How do you feel about this?
- Some advertisement can be inappropriate. Do you agree?
- Tell me about a memorable advertisement that you have seen.
- Should advertisement of alcohol and tobacco products be restricted?
- Do you believe what advertisements tell you?
- Why is advertising important for a company’s success?
- If you saw a product being advertised by a popular celebrity, would you be more likely to buy it?
- What is the best way to advertise to children?
- How do you feel about internet advertisement being personally targeted towards you?
- Do you think advertising influences your purchasing decisions?
- Do you feel like you live a relaxed or a stressful life?
- How does our relationship with our family affect our lifestyle?
- Do you think it’s necessary to have a lot of money to be happy and live a good life?
- Some people are risk takers in life. Are you? Why / Why not?
- Do you think the high global divorce rate is a problem?
- How important is it to have a healthy lifestyle?
- What should people in your country do to improve their lifestyle?
- Is it essential to have lots of friends to be happy?
- Why do some people choose to live outside society?
- How has your lifestyle changed since you were younger?
The arts
- What type of art do you prefer? Why?
- Tell me about a famous artist from your country who you like.
- Do you like modern art or do you prefer more traditional art styles?
- Are you an artist? What type of art / Why not?
- Is it easy to become a successful artist? Why / Why not?
- Some art is worth a fortune. How do you feel about this?
- What is the most memorable performance you have ever seen?
- Do people in your country tend to appreciate art?
- What do you consider high art?
- Is music art? What about dance? Poetry? Graffiti?
The rights of the individual
- Do you believe in the universal right to vote in a democracy?
- What rights do workers in your country have?
- Are there enough maternity and paternity rights for new parents in your country?
- Freedom of speech is a right in many countries. Should this include all types of speech?
- Should everybody have the right to quality healthcare?
- How can we protect people in other countries who are denied rights that we would consider essential?
- Should criminals enjoy all the same rights as other citizens?
- In what situations is it acceptable to restrict our individual rights?
- Does the government have the right to use our personal information to protect us?
- Slavery still exists in some parts of the world. How do you feel about this?
Economic issues
- In what ways do we contribute to the economy as individuals?
- What is the most important export in your country?
- Are you worried about the levels of unemployment in your country?
- What taxes do you pay? Do you think taxes are too high?
- Do governments have responsibility to send aid to countries with weaker economies?
- How difficult is it for first-time buyers to get a mortgage on a house in your country?
- Tell me about an important company from your country.
- What is your opinion about clothing companies using cheap labour to produce clothes?
- Some companies are worth billions. Is it possible for companies to be too big?
- How has technology and the internet affected the global economy?

Thank You!!!!