Use the Trinity ISE III materials on Breakout English to prepare for this C1 level exam. While the format of the exam only varies slightly from lower levels, the Trinity C1 exam is still a challenging, high-level exam.
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How to prepare for Trinity ISE III
You have to be ready for a huge variety of topics for this exam. While at lower levels, Trinity limited what topics could come up, that is suddenly reversed for ISE III. They still provide a list of topics, but it’s much longer and more complex than other levels.
The key to passing, however, is still good preparation. You will need to be able to read and write quickly to complete everything in the 2-hour time limit. You will also need to prepare a formal presentation for the speaking exam. These components make this by far the most difficult ISE exam yet.
Here are some things you can do to prepare for the exam:
- Plan a strong presentation – The presentation for the ISE III speaking is daunting, but with good planning, it can be the perfect opportunity to show the examiner what you’re made of.
- Improve your grammar and vocabulary – Even though grammar and vocabulary aren’t a part of the exam, they are essential for all the other skills. At C1, you can’t be making simple mistakes and you need to be able to show off a little too.
- Read a listen a lot in English – You should be reading and listening to a wide variety of things in order to develop your skills. Read articles, books and websites. Listen to radio and podcasts on websites like TuneIn Radio.
- Enhance your writing – It’s not enough to produce a decent writing at C1 level, you need to produce something pretty spectacular, which includes high-level grammar and vocabulary. Don’t underestimate the writing part of the exam.
- Take a class – A C1 level class will develop your skills and improve your language with a teacher there to guide you through the process.
Enjoy the Trinity ISE III materials!
More Trinity materials