ISE I conversation questions are an important part of the ISE I speaking exam. The exam is only 6 minutes long. That’s only 6 minutes for your students to prove to the examiner that they deserve their B1 certificate.
The advantage is that the bulk of the time is the 4 minute long topic task, where the candidate has the luxury of choosing and preparing their own topic. However, the 2 minute conversation task follows and can sometimes cause a nasty surprise.
Topics for ISE I conversation task
Even though candidates can’t ever know exactly what the examiner will ask them. Trinity does give us quite a bit of help by limiting the possible topics for this part of the exam. ISE I conversations questions can be on any of the following 6 topics:
- Travel
- Rules and regulations
- Learning a foreign language
- Money
- Fashion
- Health and fitness
The Materials
Use these ISE I conversation questions to help your students improve for the exam. There is a separate pair work activity for each topic. For 2 minutes, your students will take on the role of examiners and candidates in turns to try to answer the topic based questions to the best of their ability.
Don’t forget that this is a conversation task, not a 2-minute-long-answer-to-one-question task. Help your students out by writing “What do you think?”, “How about you?” and “Do you agree?” on the board. Their future examiner will thank you. Also, remember that one of the criteria for ISE I is interactive listening, which takes into account the speed of response from the candidate. For this reason, practice makes perfect.
If you prefer these ISE I conversation task questions in one big long list, check out 120 ISE I Conversation Questions.
EXAM PART: Speaking
EXAM SKILLS: Maintaining a conversation
TOPIC: Travel, Rules and Regulations, Learning a Foreign Language, Money, Fashion, Health and Fitness
TIME: 30 minutes
PREPARATION: One copy of Student A worksheet and one of Student B worksheet for each pair of students