Passing a B2 level Cambridge exam is a big deal and only the best First Certificate books will get you there. For lower levels you may have been able to rely on materials you found online or your natural ability in English learnt at school, but for most people the Cambridge First (FCE) exam is not an exam that you can just walk into on exam day and pass.
You may be preparing to take the exam yourself or you might be preparing a group of students. Either way, it’s important to use high quality materials. A solid book (or selection of books) is the best way to get to where you or your students need to be. Don’t rely on general English books to include relevant exercises and definitely don’t rely on lessons found on the internet, of which there are both excellent and not-so-excellent options available.
Over my years of preparing students for the FCE exam, I’ve found certain books work better for different situations. It depends if your students are teenagers or adults. It depends if you want a communicative approach or a pure exam training course. It depends if you have a year-long course or just a quick intensive to prepare students. If you are preparing alone, a book designed for self-study is what you need.
I’ve chosen my favourite First Certificate books to use in and out of the classroom depending on your teaching and/or learning needs. And, of course, don’t forget to check out the books available on Breakout English for a bit of extra practice!

Best overall First Certificate book
Straight to First – Roy Norris, Macmillan
Straight to First is a classic course book written by Cambridge exam preparation guru Roy Norris. It approaches the exam tactfully without overwhelming students, but providing them with everything they need to pass the exam including language and training sections. You will still need to supplement with some extra practice activities, but this book has everything you need for a successful classroom experience.
Best book for an intensive course
Compact First– Peter May, Cambridge
Compact First is now in its 3rd edition and continues to satisfy as a quick and snappy book to prepare for the exam. The best thing about the book is that it doesn’t try to slowly introduce the correct level of task by including easier listenings and readings at the start. It’s sink or swim, which is exactly what an intensive course needs. The 3rd edition also come with Cambridge’s new Test and Train software.
Best book for First for Schools
Gold Experience B2 – Kathryn Alevizos, Suzanne Gaynor and Megan Roderick, Macmillan
If you are preparing teenagers for the First Certificate exam, they will probably take the First for Schools version. This is almost the same except for that the topics are more approachable for younger candidates and the writing includes the option of a story instead of a report. It’s important to use the right book for the right exam, so grab a copy of Gold Experience B2 which includes age-appropriate topics and useful reviews and wordlists for each unit.
Best supplementary book
Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools – Barbara Thomas, Louise Hashemi and Laura Matthews, Cambridge
It’s not going to win any prizes for being fun and exciting, but this book will teach you more in less time than all the lovely topic-based course books you can find. Use it to study at home or as a supplement in class. Sometimes some good, old-fashioned grammar and vocabulary tasks are exactly what students need to really improve their level and that’s more true than ever at B2 level.
Check out Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools on Amazon
Best exam practice book
First Testbuilder – Mark Harrison, Macmillan
The best thing about First Testbuilder is the answer key. It gives detailed explanations for why each option for each question is right and wrong, which is especially useful for the reading and listening papers. The book also includes tips, techniques, writing samples and useful phrases for speaking. It really is the complete package for an exam practice book.
Best new arrival
Open World First – Anthony Cosgrove and Deborah Hobbs, Cambridge
First Certificate books don’t have to be boring. Open World is the latest series from Cambridge which combines exam preparation with real world language. It integrates culture sections with exam training and even takes students to the next level with “push yourself” sections that include C1 language. If you’re looking for something new and exciting, this is the book for you.