If you can pass the B2 Key Word Transformations (Use of English Part 4) task, then you can probably pass the entire Cambridge B2 First exam. Sentence transformation exercises will test your skills of grammar and vocabulary at the B2 level, but they won’t go easy on you. There will be challenging sentences, confusing collocations and almost certainly phrasal verbs.
Breakout English has been working to help you with sentence transformation exercises by creating a comprehensive practice book of 250 Key Word Transformations based on commonly seen grammar and vocabulary at B2 level. There are 25 units of Key Word Transformations, plus useful introductions and appendices.
You can get some free samples of transformations from the book through the following posts:
- First (FCE) Transformations – Comparatives and superlatives
- First (FCE) Transformations – Relative Clauses
- First (FCE) Transformations – Reporting verbs
- First (FCE) Transformations – Phrasal verbs
You can pick up the book as a digital download here on Breakout English or as a paperback copy through Amazon.

How many points are there in Use of English Part 4?
The B2 Key Word Transformations found in FCE Use of English Part 4 are one of the most troublesome parts of the exam. But it’s important to prepare very carefully for other reasons. Due to how Cambridge weight the different papers of the exam, each question in the Use of English paper is worth more than any other paper. Remember that the Use of English result is calculated from parts 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading and Use of English Paper. All the other parts are part of your Reading result (yes, even Reading & Use of English Part 1 despite what many people think).
Each skill in the Cambridge B2 First exam is equally weighted. However, they do not have the same amount of points. Therefore, each question can be worth more or less towards your final weighted result. Take a look at the table below and you can see that the Use of English section has more valuable questions than any other skill. When you consider that Key Word Transformations at B2 level are worth 2 points each, they are even more valuable.

Grammar and vocabulary for Use of English Part 4
Sentence transformation exercises a test of grammar and vocabulary, often in combination with each other. Cambridge has done extensive analysis of both grammar and vocabulary to make sure the B2 Key Word Transformations are an accurate reflection of the B2 CEFR level. This is then carried into their published course books and their exams.
With our book, 250 Key Word Transformations, we have taken all the commonly tested language points for B2 level and turned them into 25 units of sentence transformation exercises with 10 questions per unit. Some of the more essential areas, like phrasal verbs, have been made into 2 units due to their importance and high frequency in the exam.
250 Key Word Transformations includes the following units.
- Present tenses
- Past tenses
- Narrative tenses
- Comparatives and superlatives – Available as a free download!
- Modal verbs
- Future forms
- Passive
- Causative
- Real conditionals
- Unreal conditionals
- Wishes and regrets
- Relative clauses – Available as a free download!
- Verb patterns
- Reported speech
- Reporting verbs – Available as a free download!
- Adverbs
- Prepositions of time, place and movement
- Dependent prepositions
- Phrasal verbs 1 – Available as a free download!
- Phrasal verbs 2
- Collocations 1
- Collocations 2
- Fixed expressions
- Linking words
- Frequently confused words
How to pass B2 First Use of English Part 4 Key Word Transformations
Getting ready for Use of English Part 4 can be quite tricky, but no worries! Here are some useful tips from Breakout English to help you prepare.
- Know the format – Make sure you understand how the exam is structured. Knowing what to expect will give you confidence when you are doing the B2 key word transformations.
- Study grammar and vocabulary – Make sure you understand the common language used in the B2 level exam. This will help you when you need to change the words in the 2nd sentence.
- Pay attention to details – The key word transformations in B2 require careful reading. Check your answers for simple mistakes, like missing words or spelling errors. You don’t want to lose points for small things like a preposition, article, plural noun or even an annoying double letter!
- Manage your time wisely – Key word transformations are worth a lot of marks in the Use of English part, so allocate enough time during the exam. If you plan well, you’ll have about 15 minutes for the 6 transformations.
- Practice makes perfect – Do as many key word transformation exercises as you can. You can use official Cambridge B2 First materials or our book with 250 FCE key word transformations.
- Don’t get stuck – If you’re spending too much time on one, move on to another and come back later.
- Relax – Stay relaxed and focused during the exam. Remember, the key word transformations are just one part of a bigger picture.
By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to handle the FCE key word transformations and do your best in the exam!
Get 250 First (FCE) Key Word Transformations
Using the same format and style that you’ll find in the official Cambridge B2 exam, we’ve put together 250 key word transformation sentences in this comprehensive book. It follows 25 units, including a wide variety of grammar and vocabulary topics for you to improve your Use of English Part 4 skills.
Ideal for self-study or photocopiable for teachers in the classroom.
- Introduction.
- A step-by-step guide on how to do B2 key word transformations.
- 17 tasks based on B2 level grammar.
- 8 tasks based on B2 level vocabulary.
- Answer key.
- Extra appendices with phrasal verbs, verb patterns and dependent prepositions
With the digital download, you receive the sentence transformation exercises pdf with all the same content as the paperback book in a pdf format.
These materials have been designed to represent the same quality and standards as authentic exam materials.

Proceeds from paid materials go towards helping Breakout English continue to offer the majority of our quality materials 100% free and accessible to teachers and learners of English. Thank you for your support!