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Cambridge C1 Advanced Speaking – The Complete Guide

If you’re aiming for success in the Cambridge C1 Advanced Speaking exam, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will take you through the format, provide essential tips, and equip you with common phrases to help you shine on exam day. If you want all of this and more, our book Advanced Speaking Plus, is packed with practice tests, useful expressions, grammar, vocabulary, sample answers, and expert advice.


Exam Format

The Cambridge C1 Advanced Speaking exam consists of four parts, each designed to assess different aspects of your speaking abilities. Let’s break down each part:

Part 1: Interview (2 minutes)

In this part, you’ll have a brief conversation with the examiner. You’ll be asked questions about yourself, your interests, and your experiences.

Tips for Part 1:

  • Use a range of tenses and vocabulary.
  • Respond promptly with complete answers.
  • Avoid rehearsed speeches; be natural.
C1 Speaking Part 1 Example
C1 Speaking Part 1 Example

Part 2: Long Turn (4 minutes)

You’ll be given three pictures and asked to talk about two of them for one minute, followed by a brief response to your partner’s pictures.

Tips for Part 2:

  • Compare, don’t describe.
  • Use a variety of linking words.
  • Manage your time to cover both pictures and answer the question.
C1 Speaking Part 2 Example
C1 Speaking Part 2 Example

Part 3: Collaborative Task (4 minutes)

You’ll have a two-minute discussion with your partner about a topic, followed by a one-minute task to make a decision.

Tips for Part 3:

  • Interact with your partner; don’t deliver monologues.
  • Justify your opinions and ask for your partner’s.
  • Address all prompts to show a range of language skills.
C1 Speaking Part 3 Example
C1 Speaking Part 3 Example

Part 4: Discussion (5 minutes)

This part continues the topic from Part 3, where you’ll discuss it in more depth with the examiner and your partner.

Tips for Part 4:

  • Extend the discussion by building on your partner’s responses.
  • Use phrases to buy time while thinking.
  • Stay on topic and elaborate on your answers.
C1 Speaking Part 4 Example
C1 Speaking Part 4 Example

Advice for C1 Speaking


  1. Do speak clearly and at a natural pace.
  2. Do interact with your partner; ask questions and respond.
  3. Do use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar.
  4. Do practise with a partner to simulate exam conditions.
  5. Do organise your thoughts before speaking.
  6. Do listen carefully to your partner and the examiner.
  7. Do connect your ideas with your partners ideas.
  8. Do use a variety of phrases to organise your ideas.
  9. Do show off your C1 level.
  10. Do smile and stay positive to build rapport with the examiner.


  1. Don’t give one-word answers; always expand.
  2. Don’t memorise answers; be spontaneous.
  3. Don’t interrupt your partner or dominate the conversation.
  4. Don’t panic if you make a mistake; correct yourself and continue.
  5. Don’t forget to manage your time effectively in each part.
  6. Don’t speak too quickly; it can affect clarity.
  7. Don’t rely on filler words like “um” and “uh.”, but don’t worry if you use them a little.
  8. Don’t ignore the prompts provided.
  9. Don’t get off-topic; stay relevant to the question.
  10. Don’t appear disinterested or disengaged.

Useful Phrases for C1 Speaking

Part 1: Interview

  • “In my free time, I enjoy…”
  • “One of my favourite hobbies is…”
  • “Recently, I’ve been…”

Part 2: Long Turn

  • “Both of these pictures show…”
  • “One similarity between these two pictures is…”
  • “The first picture…, whereas the second one…”

Part 3: Collaborative Task

  • “Shall I start? / Sure, go ahead.”
  • “I believe that… / In my opinion…”
  • “What do you think about…?”

Part 4: Discussion

  • “I completely agree with you.”
  • “That’s an interesting point. However,…”
  • “I agree with you up to a point, but…”

Advanced Speaking Plus

To elevate your preparation to the next level, why not checkout our book, Advanced Speaking Plus? This book offers:

  • Five complete practice tests with 1 complete model answer for reference.
  • 100s of useful phrases and expressions.
  • Detailed advice for every part of the exam.
  • C1 grammar and vocabulary to succeed and get the highest score possible.

Advanced Speaking Plus is available for purchase on our website as a digital download or paperback on Amazon. Start your journey to success today!

For more tips, practice tests, and resources, visit Breakout English regularly. Keep practising, stay positive, and you’ll master the C1 Advanced Speaking exam in no time.


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