Key word transformations are probably the most identifiable task type in Cambridge exams, appearing in Use of English Part 4. You’ll find them at B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency levels. With each level, the questions get longer and more challenging.
When it comes to CAE key word transformations, you’ll need to know your C1 grammar and vocabulary like the palm of your hand. To help, we’ve created a book of 230 C1 key word transformations. The book follows 25 units based on commonly tested grammar and vocabulary in Use of English Part 4.
Find some free samples of the transformations from this book:
The book is available as a digital key word transformation exercises pdf here on Breakout English or grab a physical paperback copy on Amazon.

Why are CAE key word transformations important?
It’s only one activity in the entire exam, but it’s arguably the most important activity because it’s worth so many points. Transformations are marked as part of the Use of English paper. This paper consists of Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the Reading and Use of English section of the exam. Even though Part 1 looks like a Use of English task, it’s counted as part of your reading mark.
- Use of English Part 2 – Open cloze – 8 points (1 point per question)
- Use of English Part 3 – Word formation – 8 points (1 point per question)
- Use of English Part 4 – Key word transformations – 12 points (2 points per question)
With only 28 total points available in Cambridge Advanced Use of English, the key word transformations C1 task is worth 43% of your Use of English mark. Compared to other sections of the exam where there are more tasks with more questions and therefore more points available, key word transformations carry the highest per question weight of any task in the entire exam.

How to do C1 key word transformations
C1 key word transformations can be daunting, even for highly proficient users of English. The issue isn’t always the language as much as the task itself. You have to identify the language that is being transformed and then use the right grammar and vocabulary to complete the 2nd sentence. You also have to be extra careful about not making silly mistakes because one error with a preposition, plural or verb pattern can cost you a point or two.
Here’s our step-by-step process for how to do key word transformations. This post includes a downloadable copy of the process to use in class to help train students.
Grammar and Vocabulary for CAE key word transformations
If you’ve studied a C1 level course or seen a C1 level course book, there are always a similar set of grammatical structures and lexical sets that you are taught and expected to know. To pass the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam, you’ll have to have complete control of basic grammar and good control of complex grammar.
For our 230 C1 key word transformations, we’ve highlighted 17 grammar areas and 6 vocabulary areas which are commonly tested at this level. In the real exam, you’ll never know exactly what you’ll be tested on, but if you have mastered all of these areas, there won’t be much that could take you by surprise.
- Past tenses
- Future forms
- Modal verbs
- Comparison
- Verb patterns
- Reported speech
- Passive
- Reporting passive
- Causative
- Real conditionals
- Unreal conditionals
- Wishes and regrets
- Relative clauses
- Participle clauses
- Cleft sentences
- Inversion – Available as a free download!
- Determiners
- Linking words and expressions
- Fixed expressions – Available as a free download!
- Phrasal verbs
- Dependent prepositions
- Frequently confused words
- Idioms
How to prepare for C1 key word transformations
This is undeniably one of the trickiest parts of the exam, so here are Breakout English’s top tips to prepare for Use of English Part 4.
- Familiarise yourself with the exam format – Knowing the format of the exam will give you a sense of what to expect and help you approach the C1 key word transformations task with confidence.
- Study grammar and vocabulary – Make sure you have a strong grasp of grammar and vocabulary commonly tested in the C1 level exam. This will help you identify the language being transformed and complete the 2nd sentence correctly.
- Practice, practice, practice – Practise as many key word transformation exercises as you can, using official CAE materials or resources such as our book of 230 CAE key word transformations.
- Pay attention to details – C1 key word transformations require a lot of attention to detail, so make sure to read the questions carefully, and double-check your answers for silly mistakes. You don’t want to lose a point because of a missing preposition, misspelling or incorrect plural noun!
- Time management – Key word transformations are worth a large portion of your Use of English mark, so make sure to allocate enough time for this task during the exam. If you time the rest of the exam well, you can dedicate about 15 minutes to the 6 transformations questions.
- Stay calm – Remember that the key word transformations task is just one part of the exam and try to stay calm and focused during the exam.
- Don’t get stuck – It can be easy to obsess over one question, using up valuable time. If you find yourself in this situation, move on to the other questions, or even to another part of the exam. You can come back later and try again.
By following these tips, you’ll be well prepared to tackle the CAE key word transformations task and perform to the best of your ability.
Get 230 Advanced (CAE) Key Word Transformations
We’ve created these CAE transformations with the same format and style that you’ll find in the official exam. The book follows 25 units, including a wide variety of grammar and vocabulary topics for you to improve your Use of English Part 4 skills.
Ideal for self-study or photocopiable for teachers in the classroom.
- Introduction.
- A step-by-step guide on how to do C1 key word transformations.
- 17 tasks based on C1 level grammar.
- 6 tasks based on C1 level vocabulary.
- Answer key.
With the digital download, you receive a key word transformation exercises pdf with all the same content of the paperback book in a pdf format.
These materials have been designed to represent the same quality and standards as authentic exam materials.

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